Up with the lark & down to breakfast with the rest of
the crew, then off to get the car – Load all the luggage, take off & stow
the soft top, change the full side windows for deflectors, take off the
steering lock & the solar charger, get in, do up the straps …. And ……. it
wouldn’t start. Great.
Fortunately there was another member with me & we
realised that the fuel pump wasn’t turning, a brief search found a dead fuse. But
then though I’d flattened the battery, so I got jump started & we rumbled
round to the hotel.A proper brooding sky |
As soon as we were out of Kendal the roads became magical,
twisting both side to side & up and down and with no other traffic.
In Carlisle everyone seemed pleased to see us & waved
enthusiastically. Over the border & we had 45 motorway miles to cover, we
pulled on to the motorway behind a black Audi with a strange box fitted to a
bracket beside the rear view mirror. It was driving perfectly, between 70 &
72mph & keeping to the inside lane unless overtaking. I ask you dear reader
does that sound like any Audi you’ve ever seen? Deciding it was likely to be
the constabulary we maintained a discreet distance & a sensible speed for
every last one of the 45 miles.This was too good an opportunity to miss & we had a long photo op / coffee break in the Sorn Inn. After that the roads got even better until we arrived at out hostelry for the night in Doune.
Food arrived & beer flowed, another member of our crew
had arrived, driving direct from Eastbourne(!) to be with us. It was he who had
written most of the routes, but alas he was not to sample them – see the report
for day 3.
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