Thursday, 24 March 2022

More Tanking

 There's a bit of a saga here.

The design for the tank was done- I've discussed it with Grace who will be doing the welding & tweaked the design, then I started looking for metal. I found a Co. called "Metals4U" (toys R Us has a LOT to answer for) & they could ship me a sheet of 16swg aluminium for around £100 - which was OK, but wait! they do a free cutting service & free postage if you spend over £70, so I worked out all the sizes I needed & it came to just under £70, so I added one more piece to go into stock & got it free. Two days later I got a message from a courier at 08:30 saying it would all be delivered between 09:10 & 11:10, luckily I only work 4 miles from home so got there just as Saleem dropped the package off.


Except, all the sheet was there but none of the extrusions. I called them, they apologised & said they would all be with me Monday. On Monday I was again alerted at 08:30 for a delivery - again by Saleem at 09:10 - 11:10, again I got home just as he arrived & again I was disappointed - the angle to support the weight of the tank was 1/16" thick, not the 1/8" I ordered. I called them again & they apologised again, so tomorrow I'm expecting to meet Saleem AGAIN.

But in the mean time I've made up all the parts of the tank & Grace will weld it all together for me when she has a spare moment.

As well as that, I've finished modifying the full size side screens (except for a little toggle thing to keep them closed) & made a new set of deflectors to go on the car when I don't need the side screens. They just clipped the door mirrors as they closed, so I drew up & printed a couple of spacers to move the mirrors outboard a little - I love that printer.

While I was at my Brother's I noticed that one of his spare gearboxes had a short Quaife gearstick with chipped black paint. It wouldn't be much use to him on the Street Rods as it's way too short, however, the one on the Stylus was way too long & chromed, so we've swapped

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