Tuesday, 13 August 2024


 Some readers may remember the trouble I had with the new fuel tank & the POR 15 sealant peeling off in sheets & clogging the filter.

I'd noticed the sound of a straining fuel pump a couple of times, so I ran the tank down to almost empty & had a look. 

Sure enough there was another small heap of silvery sheets rolled up in the tank. Nowhere near as much as previously because I'd taken the huge majority out.

I drained off the last of the petrol - suspiciously slowly - & took the filter apart & yes, there was POR 15 shredded & matted all round the filter element.

I stripped it properly, cleaned it & put it all back together & the pump is once again near silent. No road test yet & I expect I'll need to do it at least once more. But at least I know my tea-strainer solution is keeping enough of the crud out to keep the engine running.