Monday 15 July 2024

Two Shows Pt2


Good plate for a 1936 Chevy

Not really a show as such, the Bagshot Breakfast Meet is only a few miles down the road & my Brother & nephew were going so as we'd been planning to go for a while, we tagged along.

We arrived just in time to nab one of the last parking spaces, my Brother & nephew were already there, my nephew in his 100e, my brother in his 30's truck as the recently finished Prefect has a teething trouble or two. Also there wa my work colleague Alex who's re-building a Triumph.

Plums & custard a popular option

 The quality of cars on show was outstanding, from humorously inventive RatRods to world class show cars.

I've mentioned this before, the style, stance & engineering are fantastic


I don't usually like green, I don't usually like
huge wheels & rubber band tyres, but WOW!

Proper HotRod

That Paint!

Zoom in

The Name?


Two Shows Pt1

 Busy weekend for the Stylus

Saturday was "Wallop Wings & Wheels", not a long lost Ealing comedy, but a well organised car / plane show. A few things were a little strange, firstly we had to pay to exhibit, only £10, but that did include entrance to the Museum of Army Flying, which is well worth a visit. Then there were the intrusive questions & requests for personal data (driver's or passport No. - you know, those things they tell you not to put in the internet). It turned out that this was because we were to drive across the military base to get on the show field. The public just walked in through a gate, so I didn't really see the need, but what do I know. Thirdly, we were asked to arrive at 07:30 - 08:00, I live an hour away & we would need two hours to get up & ready.

Set the alarm for 04:30? Hahahahahaha - I DON'T THINK SO.

We arrived at 09:00 & it was fine, we were shown to our spot in the "Supercar Paddock" with military precision - I'm guessing no Supercars had turned up - & we went into the museum. Then we walked along the line of visiting aircraft, there were many Austers as they tend to be ex-Army, then round the rows & rows of cars. Some we didn't bother with, there's only so many MGBs you can see in a lifetime.

From time to time there was some aerial activity, parachutists, a Mustang & Spitfire PR XIX (Photo Reconnaissance Mark 19 for those who don't speak Spitfire), a couple of French helicopters took off & went away for 1/2 an hour, then came back & sort of flew about a bit. It couldn't be described as a display. The Gazelle helicopter display team did their show & finally the pretty Navy Wings Reliant (no, not that kind of Reliant) put on a flying display in place of the Swordfish.

The cars were many & varied, from properly old racers, yanks, classics through to one offs & expensive stuff, I'll let the photos do the talking for that bit:-

Monday 8 July 2024

On Hols

 I've been away.

It began with a trip to Duxford Aerodrome for a flight in a De Havilland Dragon Rapide - a Christmas present from my girlfriend. It was good - I was a little nervous, I'm not a natural flyer & an 80 year old piston engined, propeller driven, tail wheel bi-plane was "a bit different". But actually, it was very very good, not too bouncy & we got ten minutes flying figure 8s over the centre of London before heading back. There's a video here:-

After strolling round the museum, the next day we went to the Shuttleworth display where the Catalina was in attendance & our Catalina society membership got us a tour round inside that, then the Red Arrows for the second time in just over a week & the rest of the air display, it was going pretty well so far.

On the Sunday we drove to the Lake District where we had a small flat booked - it was VERY small, but perfectly adequate for our needs & over the next couple of days we took in the motor museum, boat trips, a steam train ride, aquarium, steam powered bobbin factory, Bluebird exhibition & a couple of houses with nice gardens. A packed programme then, but all very interesting & entertaining.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Blackbushe Air Day - '24

Last year we got sunburnt - that was last year.

This year the forecast looked ominous, but it was one of those days with very small - but very intense showers, it's just down the road from my house, so it seemed rude to not go.

We set off a little later that we'd planned & so avoided the first of the showers, be we arrived with plenty of time to spare & were handed a goody bag - some shows complain about costs & ask the exhibitors to pay to show their cars, Blackbushe fives us a goody bag as a token of appreciation. It was particularly appreciated this year as I'd been looking for a new baseball cap for driving the car - either blue or orange - & there in the bag was - a blue baseball cap! Nice quality too.

Because of the forecast weather, many of the anticipated cars & planes didn't arrive, but there was plenty to see with the star of the show being a late entry Grumman Albatross, fantastically preserved & modernised with a beige leather interior & sofa beds, so the guy that owns it has got possibly the only warbird / hot rod / caravan that flies & can land on land, water, or snow. It was simply the best toy EVER.

There was quite a lot to see, a good range of classic cars - though the Tesla electric Elise somehow crept in - can't explain that & I've never seen it before, though obviously it must be pretty local 😄

There was also a TR£ based FibreFab Jamaican, now there can't be too many of them in the UK

A few people asked about the Stylus, one even knew it came after the Fury & between the showers - which were biblical, we had a very nice day.


There's been a bit of a clonk coming from the Stylus, so this evening I put it on ramps to look for the source, once ensconced underneath & looking around, I saw some wetness, just a smudge on a fuel pipe. Pretty obvious what's happened, the handbrake cable - which is clear of the hose most of the time, has rubbed through it. Only just, there's been no petrol smell, but enough to wet the outside of the hose where the fuel shouldn't be. When designing the fuel tank I thought the centre-top would be a great place to put the return line.

So I took the fuel hose down & replaced it with a new section & moved the handbrake cable a little. I'll need to keep a close eye on this & may need to do a better fix, but hoorah for the car - that could've gone pop in Devon, or Yorkshire, not going pop at all, but just giving me enough weepage to notice is a marvellous thing & an easy fix.

Never did find the source of the clonk though.

Monday 17 June 2024

RogueRunners '24 Epilogue

It's over for another year, but what were the overriding impressions?

Yes it rained - what of it?
I remember the rain - it was quite memorable, but really, there were only two really wet days & we got out in the cars on both, so let's put that to one side. The roads were very good, the traffic was pretty good, the George Inn in Piercebridge was memorable - all good memories, not necessarily for the right reasons.

The days up to the Wednesday were superb, with good weather & flowing roads that were what we'd gone for. After that the wet weather provided a challenge, but I'd like to think we rose to it, we certainly had fun & the camaraderie was there in spades. We had commemorative gifts designed & crafted by Linda & we had beer & cake.

As ever it's the people that make the trip, some people drop out, others join in, so the RogueRunners is a shifting sand of perhaps unlikely road-mates, but we always seem to rub along nicely & manage without the egos & rules that some other tours seem to suffer.

Rogues, you are EPIC & I salute you all.

Monday 10 June 2024

RogeRunners '24 Day 7 - Hartside Pass

One of those days I'm afraid. One of our number set off for home, but as we were preparing the cars someone said "no route possible". This is a stupid "feature" of TomToms, if a waypoint is placed on a road which on the day you choose to travel happens to be closed, it'll just say "No route possible" like "computer says no". There's no way to re-plan, not even any way to investigate which way point is causing the problem, you just can't use the route. Neither can you turn off "traffic" & drive to the problem & navigate from there. Stupid!

Anyway, I & my tech-support girlfriend went up to the room & got the laptop out, opened the route in the TomTom route planner, found the closed road, when onto T.Y.R.E. & corrected the problem, re-filed it, put it in the SatNav & confirmed it now worked. We imported it into her SatNav & it worked, so she went off to get into her car ready while I loaded the route onto my SatNav. Suitably equipped, I went down to load the V2 route onto everyone else's SatNav & they'd all gone. Apparently a couple of people didn't have traffic on their SatNav so they'd decide to go.

So about 20 mins after the main group had left, myself & my girlfriend set off. The traffic was quite bad, with several HGVs slowing us up, then up on the moors we found a lovely smooth road & were starting to enjoy ourselves when the rain started.

It came down in stair rods with no shelter for miles around, but I carried on because it started to ease off. After a small aquaplane moment I pulled into a pub / café called appropriately "The Traveller's rest" to find that my girlfriend had been trying to attract my attention for the last five miles because her wipers had stopped. We talked about the options for a few minutes, then covered up the cars & went in for a very nice coffee & cake as the heavens opened again. As we sat there an aged local told us
about the Robin Hood he'd built & his collection of aged tractors.

After another coffee, the rain stopped, so we went out & found - miraculously - the wipers were working again, but not wanting to chance our arm, we headed home.