Other Stuff

Saturday, 7 January 2023


Happy New Year people!

I have to say, last year was pretty good for me, the work came back with a brilliant new project - right up my street, everything went well with the car, I gained a new baby granddaughter. 2023 has a fair bit of potential too, with three road trips planned & a family holiday with my son & his family, several museum trips with friends, so fingers crossed for good times coming.

On the car front I've just come in from the garage after installing my birthday present to myself. The "aero" filler cap on the rear wing - which was perfectly adequate, but kind of jarred against the look I was going for - has been replaced by an alloy flip cap. In the fullness of time I'll sink the cap into the wing a bit to blend it like I did on the Fury, but for now, it's on there & to these eyes looks better on a '60s style car.

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