Other Stuff

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Flattery Will Get You Anywhere

Last weekend a couple of Mrs Blatter's friends appeared on the drive because they were local when their daughter came over all queasy, so while she was fussed over in the house, I chatted cars with "Mrs Blatter's-friends-husband" who it turns out has a Porsche.

One thing led to another & ignoring his daughter's plight, we took the fury out, & during the trip he uttered the words "this is quicker than the Porsche". Ah, music to my ears. OK his Porsche is only a Boxter S - a car with the same power / weight ratio as the Fury pre-Zetec, but still nice to hear.

With the sudden arrival of summer (the jetstream's moved north apparently) the Fury has been my conveyance of choice for getting to work. The new bonnet should arrive on Friday & the new fuel tank is overdue (forecast this week), so things should be happening on that front shortly.

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